10 Best Examples of Product Review Videos That Boost Conversion Rates


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10 Best Examples of Product Review Videos That Boost Conversion Rates

When customers shop online, they highly value reviews from previous buyers. That’s why product review videos are made, so potential customers can watch and determine if your product meets their desires. According to Sellbrite, 84% of consumers surveyed were convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video.

In this article, we’ll delve into all aspects of the product review video and offer 10 Best Examples of Product Review Videos That Boost Conversion Rates.

What are Product Review Videos?

Product review videos are videos where individuals or brands share their experiences and opinions about a product. They often showcase product features, benefits, and how it performs in real-life situations to offer potential customers authenticity.

Key Reasons why Product Review Videos are Important

Visual Demonstration: Product review videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase a product’s functionality. Viewers can see the product in action, gaining a better understanding of its features and benefits compared to static images or text descriptions.

Honest Feedback: Reviewers often provide genuine and unbiased opinions about a product, helping potential customers make informed decisions. This authenticity builds trust between the reviewer and the audience, increasing the video’s credibility.

Enhanced Decision Making: By watching multiple reviews, consumers can compare different products, identify common strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately make more confident purchase choices. 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if they can watch a video explaining it beforehand.

Increased Brand Awareness: Product review videos can significantly boost a brand’s visibility. Brands that use video content in their marketing see 41% more web traffic from search than brands that don’t.

Product Review Video Examples

Discover a range of product review video examples from unboxing videos to customer testimonials, … Each crafted to showcase the unique aspects of the brand, product, and marketing strategy. Let’s explore these examples that create your special product and marketing videos!

Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos capture the excitement of opening a new product. They showcase the packaging, reveal the product’s contents, and often provide initial impressions. These videos offer viewers a firsthand look at the product before making a purchase decision.

1. Peak Design

Let’s begin with a straightforward product review video. This Peak Design phone holder video is an engaging example. By inviting customers to share their unboxing experiences on social media, you can create the marketing impact of each sale. To encourage user-generated content, consider offering incentives like discount codes or showcasing customer posts on your official brand channels.

If organic engagement is challenging to generate, consider producing your unboxing content. Peak Design makes unboxing videos that include product demonstrations, illustrating how to best utilize their carry cases and phone mounts.

2. A Year of Boxes

If your brand or team doesn’t have a compelling brand story to share, turn your attention to the product itself. Providing insights into your product development process is an excellent way to showcase transparency and build trust while highlighting your brand’s core values.

For instance, Go Eco is an eco-friendly subscription box service. Each box includes a leaflet with detailed product information and images, offering a thorough introduction to the month’s selection. In their unboxing video, the leaflet is prominently placed on top of the products,  it’s the first thing customers encounter.

For dropshipping businesses or Amazon sellers who may lack persuasive product narratives, focusing on your product’s benefits and practical applications can be an effective strategy.

Product Demo and Tutorial Videos

Product demo and tutorial videos are essential marketing tools that showcase a product’s features and benefits while also providing step-by-step guidance on its usage. Research from Wyzowl shows that 32% of video marketers have created product demo, making this the most popular singular use case for video marketing in 2024.

1. Trustify Reviews App

The Trustify Reviews App demo video effectively captures attention with its clear and concise presentation of the app’s features. The video opens with a straightforward introduction to the app’s core functionality, demonstrating how users can easily collect and showcase reviews. The use of engaging visuals and simple animations helps to quickly convey the app’s benefits, such as streamlined review management and enhanced social proof, which are crucial for building trust and credibility with potential customers.

Additionally, the video smartly incorporates real-world scenarios to illustrate how Trustify can address common challenges faced by businesses in managing customer feedback. By showcasing the app’s intuitive interface and seamless integration with existing platforms, the demo reinforces its practical value. 


Considering a market launch for a new technology? IKEA’s product demonstration video for its augmented reality app offers a compelling case study. The video effectively communicates the app’s solution to common furniture-related frustrations.

The video also cleverly uses humor to convey its message, showing relatable scenarios like furniture not fitting properly and measuring errors, making viewers think, “I’ve been there”.

Moreover, the video avoids lengthy explanations. Instead, it demonstrates the app’s capabilities, connects with the viewer’s furniture frustrations, and concludes with a straightforward call to action: “Try IKEA Place in your place”. It’s simple, engaging, and highly effective.

Comparative Product Videos

Comparative product videos objectively analyze and contrast two or more similar products, highlighting their key features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. By showcasing multiple options side-by-side, these videos empower viewers to make informed decisions based on their specific needs and preferences.

1. Monday.com

Monday.com is shown alongside other project management tools, emphasizing its features like customizable workflows, visual dashboards, and integration options. These videos compare Monday.com’s strengths in team collaboration and project tracking to competitors like Trello, highlighting its flexibility, scalability, and user-friendly interface.

Especially, a product review video provides a detailed, user-focused perspective, featuring real-life experiences and evaluations. It covers specifics such as setup ease, functionality, and customer support, offering an honest assessment of Monday.com’s strengths and weaknesses based on actual user feedback.

2. Hero Cosmetics

If you offer multiple products with similar functions, a comparison product video could be valuable in assisting customers in choosing the most suitable option. Hero Cosmetics exemplifies this approach in its product video.

The video emphasizes the diverse range of products available, positioning Hero Cosmetics as a comprehensive solution for acne-related skincare. It serves as a valuable resource for both potential and current customers—introducing new customers to the brand while facilitating cross-selling opportunities for current ones.

Lifestyle Videos

A lifestyle video showcases how a product seamlessly integrates into everyday life. It portrays the product in use within real-life scenarios, emphasizing its benefits and enhancing its appeal by associating it with desirable activities, environments, or emotions.

1. Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club produces a podcast series titled “I Learned A Thing In The Bathroom”, which is then repurposed into video clips for their YouTube channel. This channel features a wide range of lifestyle content on various topics. 

Instead of prominently showcasing its products, Dollar Shave Club aligns itself with the concept of the bathroom, which aligns with where many of its customers likely use its products.

2. GoPro

GoPro stands as a prime exemplar of effective lifestyle video marketing. Their YouTube channel, replete with user-generated content featuring athletes and adventurers worldwide, showcases the product in a myriad of dynamic, aspirational settings. This approach not only inspires consumers but also fosters sustained audience engagement, a crucial factor in algorithmic success.

However, it’s worth noting that GoPro invests significantly in free products to facilitate this content. If you consider a similar approach, it’s crucial to evaluate the financial implications to ensure it aligns with your budget. For GoPro, this investment has yielded substantial returns.

User Generated Content Videos

User-generated content (UGC) videos are created by customers or users who share their personal experiences and feedback about a product or service. These videos provide authentic, relatable insights and testimonials, often enhancing trust and credibility for the brand.

1. The Earthling Co

The Earthling Co. transformed a vertical social media video into a YouTube clip featuring a customer using their shampoo and conditioner bars. The video shows the customer using the products and sharing their positive feedback.

This approach is effective due to its relatability, as it resembles UGC or influencer-created content, which is often perceived as more trustworthy than traditional brand messages. It demonstrates that high-quality marketing doesn’t necessarily require elaborate setups or perfectly polished videos.

 2. Dieux Skin

The Dieux Skin user-generated content video leverages authentic customer experiences to promote their skincare products. By featuring real users discussing their results and routines, the video adds credibility and relatability to the brand, showing potential customers how the products perform in everyday life.

This approach effectively builds brand trust and engagement, as viewers are more likely to connect with genuine testimonials rather than scripted advertisements. The user-generated content also helps highlight diverse perspectives and uses, showcasing the product’s versatility and effectiveness across different skin types and concerns.

How to Make Authentic Product Review Videos

Creating authentic product review videos is a powerful way to engage your audience, build trust, and drive conversions. Here’s a detailed guide to making Product Review Videos:

Step 1: Choose the Right Product

  • Identify Your Audience: Understand who your audience is and what products they are interested in. Your review should be relevant to their needs and interests.
  • Select a Product You Believe In: Authenticity shines through when you review products you genuinely like or have strong opinions about. Avoid products you don’t have experience with or don’t care about.

Example: If your audience consists of tech enthusiasts, you might choose to review the latest smartphone, focusing on its features that appeal to power users, like processing speed and camera quality.

Step 2: Thoroughly Research the Product

  • Know the Product Inside Out: Study the product’s features, specifications, and unique selling points. Use it extensively to understand its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Compare with Competitors: Understanding how the product stacks up against competitors can provide valuable insights and add depth to your review.

Example: Before reviewing a new kitchen gadget, use it in multiple cooking scenarios, compare it with other similar products you’ve tried, and note any specific advantages or drawbacks.

Step 3: Plan Your Content

  • Outline Your Video Structure: Plan the key sections of your review. A typical structure might include:
    1. Introduction (what product you’re reviewing and why)
    2. Unboxing (if applicable)
    3. Overview of Features
    4. In-Depth Analysis (pros and cons)
    5. Real-World Testing
    6. Final Verdict (who should buy it, overall thoughts)
  • Script or Bullet Points: Decide whether you’ll use a script or just bullet points. A script ensures you cover all points, while bullet points allow for more natural delivery.

Example: For a review of a fitness tracker, your outline might include an unboxing, setup process, first impressions, a week-long test period (including different workout scenarios), and a final summary.

Step 4: Set Up Your Recording Environment

  • Choose a Quiet Location: Ensure your recording area is free from background noise. Good sound quality is crucial.
  • Lighting: Use natural light where possible, or invest in softbox lighting to avoid harsh shadows. Proper lighting makes your video look professional.
  • Camera Setup: Use a high-quality camera or smartphone with a tripod for stable shots. Ensure the product is well-framed and in focus.
  • Audio Equipment: Use a quality microphone for clear audio. Consider using a lavalier mic if you need to move around.

Example: Set up your kitchen or workspace to film a product demo, making sure the product is well-lit and your voice is clear. Use multiple camera angles if possible to show different aspects of the product.

Step 5: Film the Review

  • Introduction: Start with an engaging introduction that tells viewers what you’re reviewing and why it matters to them.
  • Show the Product in Action: Demonstrate how the product works in real-world scenarios. Be honest about your experience, showing both what works well and what doesn’t.
  • Highlight Key Features: Discuss the product’s main features and why they stand out.
  • Offer Personal Insights: Share your thoughts and experiences with the product. This adds authenticity and helps viewers relate to your review.

Example: When reviewing a camera, you might show it in different lighting conditions, demonstrate various features like zoom and focus, and share your thoughts on the user interface and overall performance.

Step 6: Edit the Video

  • Trim Unnecessary Parts: Cut out any unnecessary footage to keep the video concise and engaging.
  • Add Text and Graphics: Use text overlays to highlight key points, specifications, or pros and cons. This can help reinforce your message.
  • Include B-Roll Footage: Add B-roll (supplementary footage) of the product being used to make the video more dynamic and visually appealing.
  • Use Music Sparingly: Background music can add a professional touch, but ensure it doesn’t overpower your voice.

Example: In a review of new software, you could include screen recordings to show different features in action, with text overlays summarizing your points.

Step 7: Optimize for SEO and Engagement

  • Title and Thumbnail: Create an attention-grabbing title and thumbnail. The title should include the product name and a key point from your review. The thumbnail should be visually appealing and relevant.
  • Description and Tags: Write a detailed description with relevant keywords to help your video rank better in search engines. Use tags that describe the product and its features.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. Ask them to share their thoughts on the product or suggest other products they’d like you to review.

Example: For a skincare product review, your title might be “Is This the Best Anti-Aging Serum of 2024? | [Product Name] Review” and your description could include details about the product, your experience, and relevant keywords like “anti-aging skincare,” “serum review,” etc.

Step 8: Promote Your Video

  • Share on Social Media: Post your video on all relevant social media platforms. Tailor your posts to each platform’s style (e.g., shorter clips on Instagram and longer discussions on Facebook).
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, ask questions, and engage with viewers. This builds a community around your content.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with other content creators in your niche to cross-promote your video.

Example: After publishing your review of a new gaming console, you could share clips on Twitter, start a discussion on Reddit, and collaborate with a gaming influencer for a live Q&A session.

Step 9: Analyze Performance 

  • Track Metrics: Use analytics to track the video’s performance. Pay attention to views, watch time, likes, comments, and shares.
  • Learn and Improve: Based on the data, identify what worked well and what didn’t. Use this information to improve your future videos.

Example: If you notice that viewers drop off during the introduction, you might want to shorten it in your next review, or make it more engaging by starting with a quick teaser of your final verdict.

By following these steps, you can create authentic product review videos that not only inform but also engage and build trust with your audience.

Where to Implement Product Review Videos in Your Store?

Implementing product review videos in your store can significantly enhance customer trust. You can effectively integrate these videos in several key areas:

Product Pages: Embed review videos directly on product pages to give potential buyers a real-life view of how the product performs and create a relatable perspective compared to static images and text.

Homepage: Feature a selection of review videos on your homepage to immediately capture visitors’ attention and showcase the positive experiences of past customers. This encourages further exploration of your products.

Checkout Page: Adding review videos to the checkout page can reassure customers about their purchase decisions and reduce cart abandonment. Highlighting testimonials and product experiences at this critical juncture can reinforce their confidence in their choice.

Email Campaigns: Include product review videos in your post-purchase and abandoned cart email campaigns. This method can be particularly effective in nurturing customer relationships and encouraging repeat purchases.

With the Trustify Reviews App, you can effortlessly collect and display genuine review videos from satisfied customers. Moreover, this app makes it easy to manage and import these reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Google, Etsy, Facebook, and CSV file, ensuring that they are seamlessly integrated into different parts of your store. By leveraging this tool, you can enhance your store’s credibility and create a more engaging shopping experience for your customers.

FAQs about Product Review Videos

1. How long Should a Product Review Video be?

Ideally, a product review video should be between 2 to 5 minutes. This length is long enough to cover all important aspects without losing the viewer’s interest. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the product and the depth of the review.

2. How to Handle Negative Feedback on Your Product Review Videos?

Respond to negative feedback professionally and politely. Use it as an opportunity to engage with your audience and clarify any misunderstandings. If the criticism is constructive, consider it for improving future videos.

3. What is The Best Way to Promote Your Product Review Videos?

Promote your videos by:

  • Sharing them across your social media platforms.
  • Embedding them in related blog posts or websites.
  • Collaborating with influencers or bloggers.
  • Engaging with your audience through comments and social media interactions.


Product review videos are a powerful tool for influencing consumer decisions and providing authentic insights into a product’s features and performance. 

By presenting real-life demonstrations and honest opinions that can significantly impact potential buyers’ perceptions. High-quality review videos often highlight a product’s strengths and weaknesses, helping viewers make informed decisions. Incorporating personal experiences and clear, engaging visuals enhances credibility and relatability. Through this article, businesses find creative product review videos that can drive conversions and foster a deeper connection between the brand and its audience.