60 Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines to Boost Conversion Rates


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60 Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines to Boost Conversion Rates

According to Invesp, 47% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line and emails with personalized subject lines are 22% more likely to be opened.

Abandoned cart email subject lines are key to the success of abandoned cart emails. It maximizes the effectiveness of recovery campaigns by grabbing the attention of potential customers and encouraging them to revisit their abandoned purchases. An engaging and creative subject line can significantly boost open rates, making it more likely that the recipient will see and act on the email. By standing out in a crowded inbox, these subject lines help overcome the initial hurdle of getting noticed, which is crucial for driving conversions and ultimately increasing revenue. 

I will guide you on how to create excellent subject lines from real-life examples, along with our recommendations to recover lost sales and boost customer engagement.

Why Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines are important?

Abandoned cart email subject lines are crucial because they can significantly impact the effectiveness of your email campaign in recovering potentially lost sales. Here’s why they matter:

  • First Impression: The subject line is the first thing a customer sees, determining whether they’ll open the email. A compelling subject line can grab their attention and entice them to revisit their cart.
  • Personalization and Relevance: A well-crafted subject line can address the customer’s specific situation, such as reminding them of the items left behind, making the email feel more personal and relevant.
  • Urgency and Incentives: Subject lines that create a sense of urgency or offer incentives (like a discount) can motivate customers to complete their purchase rather than putting it off or abandoning it altogether.
  • Brand Voice: The subject line sets the tone for the email and reflects your brand’s voice. Consistency here helps reinforce brand identity and build trust.
  • Open Rates: A strong subject line can improve these rates and lead to higher chances of recovering abandoned carts.
  • Segmentation: Subject lines can be tailored based on customer behavior or cart value, making the emails more targeted and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Well-crafted subject lines are essential for capturing attention, conveying value, and encouraging action, all of which are vital for turning abandoned carts into completed purchases.

Types of Subject Lines for Abandoned Cart Emails

When creating subject lines for abandoned cart emails, it’s essential to consider several effective types, each serving a distinct purpose. Here’s a breakdown of some approaches:

1. Urgency-Based Subject Line: Chatters

Urgency-Based Subject Line from  Abandoned Cart Email of Chatter shop.

Efficiency:  Chatter creates an abandonment cart email subject line: ”Get it before it’s gone”, which can leverage urgency to prompt quick action. Urgency triggers customers’ fear of missing out (FOMO), compelling them to purchase quickly. This is particularly effective for brands with limited stock or time-sensitive offers.

Method: Urgency-based subject lines often highlight limited-time offers or emphasize that the items in the cart are at risk of being lost. The idea is to push the recipient to complete the purchase before the opportunity disappears.

2. Personalized Subject Line: Nikuku

Personalized Subject Line from Abandoned Cart Email of Nikuku shop.

Efficiency: Personalization makes the email feel more engaging to the recipient. Using the customer’s name and details about their abandoned items helps establish a personal connection and shows that the email is tailored specifically for them, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Method: By incorporating the recipient’s name or specific details about the items left in the cart, personalized subject lines make the email more relevant. This type can significantly increase engagement by directly addressing the recipient’s interests and previous actions.

3. Discount or Incentive-Based Subject Line: Ruggable

Discount Subject Line from  Abandoned Cart Email of Ruggable shop.

Efficiency: Offering a discount reduces the perceived cost and increases the perceived value, encouraging customers to complete their purchase. Brands Ruggable offers coupons and discounts and can use this strategy to entice price-sensitive shoppers.

Method: These subject lines offer a discount or other incentives to entice the recipient to return and complete their purchase. They focus on the added value that the recipient can gain by finalizing their transaction, often emphasizing the monetary benefit or exclusive deal.

4. Reminder-Based Subject Line: Fabletics

Reminder-Based Subject Line from  Abandoned Cart Email of Fabletics shop.

Efficiency: A reminder-based subject line gives the customer a gentle nudge, bringing their attention back to the cart. It’s effective for customers who may have simply forgotten about their cart or got distracted during their shopping process. This approach works well for brands like Fabletics, where customers often browse and forget to finalize their selections.

Method: Simple and straightforward subject lines remind the recipient about the items they left behind. They remind the recipient of what they’re missing out on, without necessarily applying pressure or offering incentives.

5. Curiosity-Driven Subject Line: Casper

Curiosity-Driven Subject Line from Abandoned Cart Email of Casper brand.

Efficiency: Curiosity-driven subject lines intrigue customers, prompting them to open the email to find out more. This tactic works well for Casper Brand, which often includes surprise elements in its product offerings.

Method: These subject lines aim to arouse curiosity by hinting at something exciting or valuable related to the abandoned cart. They engage the recipient’s interest and motivate them to open the email to discover more about what they left behind.

6. Problem-Solution Subject Line: Whisky Loot

Problem-Solution subject line from abandoned cart email of Whiskey Loot brand.

Efficiency: This subject line addresses potential issues or obstacles the customer might have faced during checkout. By offering help or solutions, it reassures the customer that any problems can be resolved, which can help overcome barriers to completing the purchase

Method: The subject line addresses potential issues that might have caused the abandonment and offer solutions or answers. They acknowledge possible concerns the recipient might have had and provide reassurance or assistance to overcome those barriers.

Each type of subject line can be effective depending on the target audience and the context of the abandoned cart. By experimenting with different approaches, you can determine which resonates best with your audience and enhances your email recovery efforts.

Abandoned Cart Email Subject Line Ideas

Urgency-Based Subject Line

  1. “Hurry! Your Cart is About to Expire ⏳”
  2. “Last Chance to Save on Your Abandoned Items!”
  3. “Don’t Miss Out – Your Cart is Waiting!”
  4. “Final Hours: Complete Your Purchase Now!”
  5. “Almost Gone – Secure Your Items Today!”
  6. “Act Fast: Your Cart is Almost Empty!”
  7. “Limited Time Offer – Complete Your Order!”
  8. “Only a Few Left – Don’t Miss Out!”
  9. “Time’s Running Out – Claim Your Cart Now!”
  10. “Urgent: Your Items are About to Sell Out!”

Personalized Subject Line

  1. “[First Name], You Left Something Behind – Complete Your Purchase!”
  2. “Hey [First Name], Don’t Forget Your Cart!”
  3. “[First Name], Your Favorite Items Are Still in Your Cart!”
  4. “Just for You, [First Name] – Finish Your Purchase!”
  5. “[First Name], Your Cart is Still Waiting for You!”
  6. “Ready to Checkout, [First Name]?”
  7. “We Saved Your Cart, [First Name]!”
  8. “Don’t Miss Out, [First Name]! Your Cart is Waiting!”
  9. “Hey [First Name], Your Items are Still Available!”
  10. “Still Interested, [First Name]? Complete Your Purchase!”

Discount or Incentive-Based Subject Line

  1. “Complete Your Purchase & Get 10% Off!”
  2. “Save 15% on Your Cart – Finish Your Order Now!”
  3. “Exclusive Offer: 20% Off If You Complete Your Order Today!”
  4. “Here’s 10% Off to Help You Checkout!”
  5. “Unlock 25% Off – Complete Your Purchase Now!”
  6. “Get a Free Gift When You Finish Your Order!”
  7. “Special Discount Just for You – Complete Your Purchase!”
  8. “Claim Your 20% Off – Your Cart Awaits!”
  9. “Finish Your Checkout & Enjoy 15% Off Your Order!”
  10. “Limited-Time Offer: Save 10% on Your Abandoned Items!”

Reminder-Based Subject Line

  1. “Reminder: Your Cart is Waiting for You!”
  2. “Don’t Forget About Your Abandoned Cart!”
  3. “Just a Quick Reminder: Your Cart is Still Here!”
  4. “You Left Items in Your Cart – Don’t Miss Out!”
  5. “Reminder: Your Items are Still in Your Cart!”
  6. “Still Thinking About It? Your Cart is Still Available!”
  7. “Friendly Reminder: Complete Your Purchase Today!”
  8. “You’ve Got Items in Your Cart – Ready to Checkout?”
  9. “Just a Nudge – Your Cart is Still Waiting!”
  10. “Reminder: Your Cart is Still Full – Complete Your Purchase!”

Curiosity-Driven Subject Line

  1. “Guess What’s Waiting for You in Your Cart?”
  2. “You Won’t Believe What’s Still in Your Cart!”
  3. “Curious? See What You Left Behind!”
  4. “What Did You Leave in Your Cart? Find Out Now!”
  5. “Discover the Items You Almost Purchased!”
  6. “Your Cart is Full of Surprises – Check It Out!”
  7. “Want to See What’s Still in Your Cart?”
  8. “Find Out What You Left Behind – Your Cart Awaits!”
  9. “Take Another Look – Your Cart Holds Something Special!”
  10. “You Left Something Behind – Find Out What!”

Problem-Solution Subject Line

  1. “Struggling to Checkout? Here’s a Solution!”
  2. “Had Trouble Completing Your Order? We Can Help!”
  3. “Fix Your Cart Issues with Our Easy Guide!”
  4. “Encountering Problems? Here’s How to Complete Your Purchase!”
  5. “Solution to Your Cart Problems Inside—Check It Out!”
  6. “Cart Problems? We’ve Got You Covered!”
  7. “Can’t Checkout? Find the Solution Here!”
  8. “Need Help Completing Your Order? We’re Here for You!”
  9. “Fix Your Checkout Issues with This Quick Tip!”
  10. “Resolve Your Cart Issues Easily—Find Out How!”

Proven Technique to Optimize Abandoned Cart Email Subject Lines

A/B testing is a powerful technique for optimizing abandoned cart email subject lines. It involves systematically comparing different versions of subject lines to determine which one performs better. Here’s a clear, step-by-step approach:

  • Identify Variables: Select specific elements to test in your subject lines, such as tone, length, urgency, or personalization. For example, you might test “Don’t Miss Out: Your Cart is Waiting!” against “Complete Your Purchase and Save 10%!”
  • Create Variants: Develop different versions of your subject line based on the variables identified. Ensure each version is distinct enough to provide meaningful insights.
  • Set Up A/B Test: Use your email marketing platform’s A/B testing feature to split your email list into equal segments, sending each variant to a separate group. For instance, half of your recipients might receive one version of the subject line, while the other half receive a different one.
  • Define Metrics: Determine the success metrics you’ll use to evaluate performance, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Open rates will help you understand which subject line captures attention, while click-through and conversion rates reveal which is most effective at driving action.
  • Analyze Results: After the test period, compare the performance of each subject line variant. Look for significant differences in the metrics you’ve defined.
  • Implement Findings: Use the insights gained from the A/B test to refine and optimize future subject lines. For instance, if a subject line with a discount offer performed better, consider incorporating similar offers in future emails.
  • Repeat Testing: Continuously test and optimize your subject lines as customer preferences and behaviors evolve, ensuring ongoing effectiveness and engagement.

By methodically applying A/B testing to your abandoned cart email subject lines, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your email marketing strategy and improve recovery rates.


Abandoned cart email subject lines are critical to the success of recovery campaigns. They serve as the initial touchpoint that influences whether a customer opens the email and revisits their cart.

An effective subject line captures attention, conveys urgency, or provides incentives, thereby boosting open rates and encouraging action. By personalizing, creating urgency, or offering discounts, these subject lines overcome the challenge of getting noticed amidst a crowded inbox. Besides, A/B testing helps optimize subject lines by providing data-driven insights, ensuring that each email has the best chance of converting abandoned carts into completed purchases. Through this article, businesses can find suitable methods to enhance the overall shopping experience and increase conversion rates.