How to Get Amazon Reviews: 6 Commonly Used Methods in 2024


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Amazon reviews are essential for building trust and boosting sales. Did you know that products with positive reviews are 270% more likely to be purchased than those without? In this article, I’ll share some easy and effective tips on how to get Amazon reviews and optimize them for the best results. Whether you’re a new seller or looking to enhance your current strategy, I’ll guide you through simple steps like using automated feedback requests and personalized follow-ups to increase your review count on Amazon.

Let’s get started!

Why Amazon Reviews Matter?

Want to know why Amazon reviews are like gold for your business? Let’s dive into the 5 juicy reasons why you should love those little stars and comments:

Why Amazon Reviews Matter?

Build Trust

Amazon reviews are crucial for building trust with potential customers. According to BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, which includes shopping on Amazon. Positive reviews act as social proof, showing that other buyers have had good experiences with the product. This trust is essential for converting hesitant shoppers into buyers, especially for new or lesser-known brands.

Boost Visibility

Reviews significantly influence Amazon’s search algorithm. Products with more reviews and higher ratings are more likely to appear at the top of search results. A study by Moz found that products with higher review counts and ratings have a 63% better chance of appearing on the first page of Amazon search results. This increased visibility leads to more clicks and, ultimately, more sales.

Increase Sales

Positive reviews directly impact sales by influencing buyer decisions. According to Podium, 93% of consumers say online reviews affect their purchasing decisions. On Amazon, products with high ratings and numerous positive reviews are significantly more likely to be purchased. For example, a product with a 4-star rating or higher is 12 times more likely to be bought than a product with a 3-star rating.

Why Amazon Reviews Matter?

Provide Customer Feedback

Amazon reviews offer valuable feedback from customers that can be used to improve products and services. Constructive criticism helps sellers identify and address issues, enhance product features, and improve customer satisfaction. Trustify Reviews found that 52% of consumers expect brands to respond to reviews, showing they care about customer opinions. This feedback loop aids in refining products and demonstrates a commitment to improvement.

Provide Customer Feedback

Enhance Brand Reputation

Positive reviews help build a strong brand reputation. According to Spiegel Research Center, products with reviews are 270% more likely to be purchased than those without. Consistently positive reviews contribute to a favorable brand image, attracting more customers and encouraging repeat business. A strong reputation built on positive reviews can also lead to word-of-mouth referrals, further expanding the customer base.

Key Points to Note About Amazon’s Review Policy

Amazon has strict guidelines to ensure the integrity and authenticity of reviews on its platform. Here are the key points of Amazon’s review policy:

1. Genuine Reviews Only: All reviews must be based on genuine purchasing or usage experiences. Fake reviews, whether positive or negative, are prohibited.

2. No Incentives for Reviews: Sellers cannot offer incentives such as discounts, free products, or any other compensation in exchange for reviews. This includes offering incentives for either positive or negative reviews.

3. Family and Friends: Reviews from family members or close friends of the seller are not allowed. Amazon wants to ensure reviews are unbiased and not influenced by personal relationships.

4. No Review Manipulation: Manipulating reviews by altering, influencing, or trying to mislead Amazon’s review system is strictly forbidden. This includes actions like upvoting positive reviews or downvoting negative ones.

5. Verified Purchase Badge: Reviews that are marked with the “Verified Purchase” badge are given more weight in Amazon’s algorithm. This badge is awarded when Amazon can confirm that the reviewer actually purchased the product through their platform.

6. Transparency: Reviewers should disclose any relationships or connections to the product or seller if applicable, to maintain transparency and trust.

7. Helpful and Honest Feedback: Reviews should be honest, constructive, and helpful to other customers. Misleading or irrelevant reviews can be reported and removed by Amazon.

8. Respectful Content: All reviews must comply with Amazon’s Community Guidelines, which prohibit offensive, inappropriate, or abusive content.

Key Points to Note About Amazon's Review Policy

Now, let’s move on to how to get Amazon reviews.

How to Get Amazon Reviews?

So, how to get reviews on Amazon? I have compiled the five quickest, most convenient, and simplest methods to help you get more Amazon reviews. Whether you’re a new seller or looking to improve your current review strategy, these tips will guide you to success on Amazon.

1. Deliver Outstanding Customer Service

Ensuring a positive customer experience is fundamental. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • Accurate Product Descriptions: Make sure your product listings are clear, detailed, and accurate to set the right expectations.
  • Quality Products: Deliver high-quality products that meet or exceed customer expectations.
  • Responsive Support: Provide timely and helpful customer support to address any issues or concerns.
How to Get Amazon Reviews?

2. Request Reviews Through Amazon

Amazon offers built-in tools for requesting reviews. Use these tools to your advantage:

Request a Review Button

In your Seller Central dashboard, use the “Request a Review” button to send a review request to customers who have purchased your product. This feature ensures compliance with Amazon’s policies.

  • Access Seller Central: Log in to your Amazon Seller Central dashboard.
  • Locate the Button: Navigate to the “Orders” section where you can manage your orders.
  • Select Orders: Choose the orders for which you want to request reviews. The “Request a Review” button will be available next to each order.
  • Send Requests: Click the “Request a Review” button to send a review request to customers who have purchased your product. This feature ensures that your review requests comply with Amazon’s policies, maintaining the integrity of your account.
Request a Review Button

Automated Feedback Requests

Use Amazon’s automated feedback request system, which sends follow-up emails to customers, asking for reviews.

  • Log in to Seller Central: Access your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Navigate to the Settings: Go to the ‘Settings’ menu and select ‘Customer Feedback’.
  • Enable Automated Requests: Look for the option to enable automated feedback requests. Turn on this feature to start sending automatic review requests.

3. Follow-Up Emails

Send follow-up emails to customers after they receive their purchase. Here are some tips for crafting effective follow-up emails:

  • Timing: Send the email a few days after the estimated delivery date to give customers time to use the product.
  • Personalization: Personalize the email with the customer’s name and product details.
  • Polite Request: Politely ask for a review and explain how their feedback helps other customers.
  • Direct Link: Include a direct link to the product review page to make the process easy for customers.
Automated Feedback Requests

4. Use Product Inserts

Next time if you ask yourself how to get Amazon reviews, just include a small card or note inside your product packaging to thank customers for their purchase and politely request a review. Ensure the insert:

  • Is Non-Incentivizing: Do not offer incentives in exchange for reviews, as this violates Amazon’s policies.
  • Provides Clear Instructions: Guide customers on how to leave a review on Amazon.
Use Product Inserts

5. Leverage Social Media

Engage with your customers on social media platforms. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences and leave reviews on Amazon. You can:

  • Share Customer Testimonials: Post testimonials from satisfied customers to your social media pages.
  • Host Contests: Run social media contests where customers share photos or stories of them using your product, and remind them to leave a review on Amazon.
Leverage Social Media

6. Enroll in the Amazon Vine Program

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program that invites top reviewers to post their opinions about new and pre-release items. This can help you:

  • Get Early Reviews: Gain reviews from trusted reviewers early on.
  • Increase Visibility: Enhance the visibility of new products through credible reviews.

Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls from Trustify Reviews:

To ensure compliance with Amazon’s policies and avoid penalties, follow these guidelines:

  • No Incentives: Never offer incentives, discounts, or compensation in exchange for reviews.
  • No Review Manipulation: Do not engage in review manipulation, such as asking for only positive reviews or influencing the content of the review.
  • Stay Authentic: Encourage genuine feedback. Authentic reviews are more valuable to potential customers.
Enroll in the Amazon Vine Program

If you’re also listing products on other e-commerce platforms like Shopify, the Trustify app now features the ability to import Amazon reviews into your Shopify store.

So, above are the five ways to get reviews on Amazon. Now that you know how to get reviews, let’s move on to how to optimize them.

How to Keep Track of Your Amazon Feedback?

In your Amazon Seller Central account, navigate to the ‘Feedback Manager’ to track your ratings and reviews from the past year. This tool allows you to view detailed feedback and metrics for the last 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, or the entire lifespan of your seller account. The ‘Recent Feedback’ table helps you stay updated on new reviews.

If you sell products on multiple platforms, consider using a third-party tool. For instance, Trustify Review App lets you monitor and analyze reviews across all your retailer networks. Additionally, you can set up post-purchase emails to ask buyers for product reviews when they complete an order and alerts to promptly address negative feedback on Amazon.

How to Keep Track of Your Amazon Feedback?

Wrap up

I hope this article has helped you understand the importance of customer reviews and how to get Amazon reviews effectively. Remember, consistent and genuine reviews are key to building trust and driving sales. Start applying these tips today to see a significant improvement in your Amazon review count and overall success. Happy selling!