Top Online Reviews Statistics & Trends [2024 Latest Data]


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Are you here for some online reviews statistics?

Online reviews are crucial to customers’ decision-making processes. This blog will explore various statistics on online reviews, underscoring their significance in today’s digital business environment.

Let’s go!

Why Businesses and Consumers Care About Online Review Statistics?

Online reviews significantly influence consumer behavior and business reputation. Let’s start by exploring why online reviews are crucial for your business. Here are some key statistics that emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong online reputation:

  • Approximately 93% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision.
Why Businesses and Consumers Care About Online Review Statistics?
  • 49% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family.
  • Products with positive reviews are 270% more likely to be purchased than those without any reviews.
  • 67% of consumers believe that fake reviews are a significant problem, and 83% of consumers agree that reviews need to be relevant and recent to be trustworthy.
  • 94% of consumers say a negative review has convinced them to avoid a business.
  • Review interaction (searching for, filtering, or reading reviews) has increased by 50% from pre-pandemic levels, showing heightened consumer engagement with reviews.

Top Popular Review Platforms

These platforms are essential for businesses to monitor and manage their online reputation, as reviews on these sites greatly influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

#1. Google Reviews

Google Reviews is the most popular review platform, with 81% of consumers using it to evaluate local businesses. This high visibility is due to its integration with Google Search and Maps, making reviews easily accessible. Businesses with strong Google reviews can experience a 25% increase in click-through rates from local search results, enhancing both their reputation and customer acquisition.

Top Popular Review Platforms
  • Having more than 4 negative reviews can result in losing up to 70% of potential customers.
  • 56% of actions on Google Business listings are website visits.
  • 16% of businesses receive over 100 calls monthly from their profiles.
  • Listings with photos are viewed as reputable and get 35% more clicks.
  • Online reviews contribute about 10% to local search ranking factors.
  • Google hosts 58% of all reviews worldwide.

#2. Yelp

Yelp is a leading platform for local businesses, with over 244 million reviews as of 2023. It is especially popular for restaurants, bars, and service providers. Yelp users tend to be highly engaged, with the site generating approximately 26,830 new reviews per minute. High ratings on Yelp can result in a 5-9% increase in revenue for businesses, making it a critical tool for local business success.

Top Popular Review Platforms
  • Yelp has accumulated over 244 million reviews.
  • 77% of Yelp reviews have ratings of three stars or higher.
  • 48% of Yelp reviews are rated with the full five stars.
  • 79% of Yelp searches are conducted on mobile devices.
  • 65% of Yelp reviews are submitted via mobile devices.
  • The top 3 industries reviewed on Yelp are shopping, restaurants, and home or local services.
  • A one-star increase on Yelp can boost a business’s revenue by up to 9%.
  • Nearly 100% of Yelp visitors have made a purchase from a business listed on the site.
  • Out of five major review sites, 45% of consumers choose Yelp to check before visiting a business.
  • 4 out of 5 Yelp users make a purchase decision within minutes of viewing a business’s profile.

#3. Facebook

Facebook remains a significant platform for business reviews, with 46% of consumers using it to read reviews in 2022. Businesses can create pages where customers leave ratings and reviews, which appear in the Recommendations section. Engaging with customers through Facebook reviews can help businesses build a loyal customer base and improve their online reputation. Despite a slight decline in usage, Facebook reviews still play a crucial role in influencing customer decisions.

Facebook remains a significant platform for business reviews
  • 1 in 3 Facebook users globally turn to the platform for recommendations and reviews.
  • Facebook generates 50% of all social media referrals.
  • Online reviews on Facebook influence 52% of both online and offline purchase decisions.
  • 49% of U.S. internet users report checking Facebook for reviews of local businesses.
  • Nearly half of B2B decision-makers use Facebook to research vendors.
  • Facebook ranks as the third most popular review site, following Google and Yelp.

#4. Amazon

Amazon is the primary platform for product reviews, with over 1.5 million new reviews added daily. Products with higher ratings can see a 20% increase in sales. Amazon reviews include star ratings, written feedback, photos, and videos, helping build trust and credibility with potential buyers. This extensive review system significantly influences purchasing decisions on the platform.

Amazon is the primary platform for product reviews
  • Products with higher ratings on Amazon can see a sales increase of up to 20%.
  • Approximately 90% of consumers read reviews on Amazon before making a purchase, and 72% of shoppers trust these reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Products with over 50 reviews can see a 4.5 times increase in conversion rates.
  • 70% of consumers will read at least four reviews before buying a product on Amazon.
  • Reviews with photos and videos are 12 times more likely to be viewed by potential buyers, adding an extra layer of authenticity and engagement.

Online Reviews Statistics in 2024

Understanding the current trends and impacts of customer feedback is crucial for any business. Let’s explore the latest insights from online reviews statistics in 2024, highlighting how consumer behavior and review platforms shape business reputations and influence purchasing decisions.

1. General Online Customer Review Statistics

Almost every internet user now checks online reviews, with many stating that these reviews significantly influence their purchasing decisions. Below, discover how users are responding to the feedback they read on various online review platforms.

95% of Consumers Read Online Reviews Before Making a Purchase

It’s critical for businesses to maintain positive reviews, as a whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews before deciding to make a purchase. This statistic underscores the pivotal role reviews play in influencing consumer behavior.

95% of Consumers Read Online Reviews Before Making a Purchase

Minimum of 4 Stars Required by 38% of Consumers

Maintaining a high rating is crucial, as 38% of consumers will only consider engaging with businesses that have at least a 4-star rating. This reflects the high standards consumers have when choosing where to spend their money.

Review Interaction is Up by 50% Post-Pandemic

Engagement with online reviews, including searching for and reading them, has increased by 50% since before the pandemic. This trend indicates that consumers are now more engaged with reviews, making them more crucial than ever for businesses.

49% of Consumers Trust Online Reviews as Much as Personal Recommendations

Consumers place significant trust in online reviews, with nearly half (49%) equating their reliability to personal recommendations from friends and family. This emphasizes the substantial impact that online reviews can have on consumer trust and purchasing decisions.

Increasing Reviews from 8 to 100 Can Significantly Improve Search Traffic

Businesses that increase their number of reviews from 8 to 100 can see significant improvements in conversion rates and search traffic. This shows that not just having reviews, but increasing their quantity, can substantially enhance a business’s online performance.

Asking for Reviews Increases Feedback by 65%

Approximately 65% of consumers are likely to leave a review if a business asks them to, indicating that simply requesting reviews can significantly increase the number of feedbacks received.

92% Hesitate to Buy Products Without Reviews

A substantial 92% of consumers are hesitant to buy products or services that have no reviews, emphasizing the necessity for businesses to encourage customers to leave feedback.

Nearly 95% of Consumers Read Reviews Before Making a Purchase

It’s critical for businesses to maintain positive reviews, as a whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews before deciding to make a purchase. This statistic underscores the vital role reviews play in influencing consumer behavior.

2. Positive Online Customer Review Statistics

Building a strong online reputation involves managing both positive and negative feedback. Let’s start with the bright side. Positive reviews are just as prevalent as neutral or negative ones, and they offer significant benefits. Here are some statistics that highlight the impact of positive reviews:

Positive Online Customer Review Statistics

Positive Reviews Can Increase Conversion Rates by Up to 270%

The presence of positive reviews can dramatically boost sales, as conversion rates can increase by up to 270%. This demonstrates the powerful influence that favorable feedback can have on a business’s growth.

43% Prefer Products with Over 100 Reviews

43% of consumers prefer products that have more than 100 reviews. A higher volume of reviews provides more comprehensive feedback, which can increase consumer confidence and influence purchasing decisions.

Consumers Spend 31% More on Businesses with Excellent Reviews

On average, consumers are willing to spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews. This statistic demonstrates the financial impact that high-quality reviews can have on a business’s bottom line.

Positive Review Signals Make Up About 15% of Google’s Local Ranking Factors

Review signals, including the quality and quantity of positive reviews, account for approximately 15% of Google’s local search ranking factors. This underscores the importance of reviews not only for consumer decision-making but also for improving search visibility.

83% of Consumers Find Recent Reviews Relevant

83% of consumers agree or “somewhat agree” that reviews need to be relevant and recent to influence their purchasing decisions. This highlights the importance of continually gathering fresh reviews to maintain consumer trust.

Conversions Increase by 25% with a 0.1-Star Rating Boost

A small increase of 0.1 in star ratings can lead to a 25% improvement in conversion rates, demonstrating the power of even slight improvements in customer feedback.

Verified Reviews Increase Sales by 15%

Displaying reviews written by verified buyers can boost sales by 15%. Verified reviews are perceived as more credible and trustworthy, which reassures potential customers and can significantly impact purchasing decisions.

3. Negative Online Customer Review Statistics

Negative Online Customer Review Statistics

80% of Consumers Change Their Minds After Reading Negative Reviews

A significant 80% of consumers have changed their minds about a purchase after reading negative reviews. This underscores the importance of managing and responding to reviews to mitigate their impact.

Businesses Need 40 Positive Reviews to Offset One Negative Review

To counteract the damage from a single negative review, a business needs to attract about 40 positive reviews. This ratio highlights the significant impact negative reviews can have on a company’s reputation.

53% of Consumers Expect a Response to Negative Reviews Within a Week

Timely responses to negative reviews are expected by over half of consumers, with 53% anticipating a reply within a week. Additionally, 45% are more likely to visit a business that responds to negative reviews, highlighting the importance of engagement.

Consumers Spend 4 Times Longer on Sites with Negative Reviews

When consumers engage with negative reviews, they spend 4 times longer on the website, leading to a 67% increase in conversion rates. Negative reviews can actually draw more attention and engagement, paradoxically benefiting sales.

Negative Reviews Cause 94% of Consumers to Avoid a Business

A significant 94% of consumers have avoided a business because of a negative review, illustrating how detrimental negative feedback can be to customer acquisition.

Negative Experiences Shared More Often than Positive Ones

Negative experiences are more likely to be shared than positive ones, with 49% of consumers sharing negative reviews on social media compared to 38% who share positive ones.

Business Responses Change 56% of Consumer Perspectives

More than half of consumers, 56%, change their perspective on a business based on how it responds to reviews, showcasing the importance of engaging with customer feedback.

45% More Likely to Visit a Business Responding to Bad Reviews

Consumers are 45% more likely to visit a business that responds to negative reviews, indicating the importance of addressing and managing online feedback.

4. Fake Online Customer Review Statistics

Fake reviews are a growing issue on major review platforms. Despite most consumers claiming they can spot fake reviews, the problem persists. In response, the Federal Trade Commission issued hundreds of citations for deceptive endorsements in 2021. Learn more about the impact of fake online reviews below.

67% of Consumers Believe Fake Reviews Are a Significant Problem

A significant portion of consumers, 67%, believe that fake reviews are a major issue on review platforms. This highlights the ongoing challenge of ensuring authenticity and maintaining trust in the online review ecosystem.

$152 Billion Annual Cost from Fake Reviews

Fake online reviews have a significant economic impact, costing global e-commerce about $152 billion annually. This underscores the substantial financial repercussions of fraudulent reviews on businesses worldwide.

82% of Consumers Have Read a Fake Review

In the past year, 82% of consumers reported reading a fake review, with younger demographics (92% of 18-34-year-olds) encountering them more frequently. This highlights the widespread nature of fake reviews across different age groups.

82% of Consumers Have Read a Fake Review

30% of Online Reviews Are Fake

Approximately 30% of online reviews are considered fake, making it challenging for consumers to differentiate between genuine and fraudulent feedback.

FTC Cited Over 700 Businesses for Deceptive Endorsements

In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission cited more than 700 businesses for engaging in deceptive endorsement practices, reflecting increased regulatory attention on fake reviews.

Google Deleted 55 Million Fake Reviews in 2020

In an effort to combat fake reviews, Google removed approximately 55 million reviews that violated its policies in 2020, along with nearly 3 million fake business profiles.

54% of Consumers Avoid Products with Suspected Fake Reviews

More than half of consumers (54%) would not purchase a product if they suspected it had fake reviews, demonstrating the critical importance of review authenticity for consumer trust and purchase decisions.

Fake Reviews Influence $791 Billion in US E-commerce Spending

In the US alone, fake online reviews influence $791 billion in annual e-commerce spending, highlighting the vast scale of their impact on consumer purchasing behavior.

Online Reviews Statistics and and Their Role in Social Proof

Today, we’ve examined some key online reviews statistics that highlight the importance of taking online reviews seriously. These reviews can have a substantial impact on your business, for better or worse, depending on how you manage them.

Remember, even a negative review can have a positive effect on your revenue if handled correctly.

The goal of addressing and improving your online reviews is to leverage the power of social proof. By showcasing that many customers appreciate your company enough to leave positive feedback, you increase the likelihood of attracting even more business.

At Trustify Reviews, we strongly believe in the effectiveness of social proof. Why? Because we’ve witnessed its impact firsthand.

For example, you can import reviews to your Shopify homepage and display customer testimonials. Additionally, you can upload reviews to product pages to further boost purchase decisions. The testimonials can be displayed as a review carousel with various widget styles, offering a dynamic and engaging way for potential customers to see positive feedback.

Online Reviews Statistics and and Their Role in Social Proof

Wrap up

This article has presented the latest data for 2024 on online reviews statistics. Understanding key metrics, including general trends, positive and negative feedback, and the impact of fake reviews, is essential for businesses. Platforms like Google, Yelp, Amazon, and Facebook significantly influence consumer behavior and business reputation. By analyzing these insights, businesses can effectively manage their online presence and drive growth.