30 Social Proof Examples in Marketing That Skyrocket Conversions


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Social Proof Examples in Marketing

Social proof is the psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others. By showcasing evidence that others trust and use your product or service, you can significantly increase conversions. Still unsure about what to do? Here are 30 impactful social proof examples you can integrate into your marketing strategy.

30 Social Proof Examples by Types

For a clearer understanding, here are several examples of social proof categorized by types compiled by Trustify Reviews.

#1 User Testimonials Social Proof Examples

This is the most common type of social proof: Feedback, reviews, ratings, or recommendations from customers or users who have directly interacted with a product or service.

The Movie Database

The Movie Database (TMDb) serves as a valuable resource for people to discover others’ opinions about movies prior to deciding whether to watch them. Users consult reviews to inform their movie choices, contributing to TMDb’s status as one of the most visited websites for movie reviews, attracting 250 million visitors each month.

User Testimonials Social Proof Examples


Etsy’s recommendations and customer reviews showcase a prime example of leveraging social proof strategies to boost sales. These features offer a comprehensive rating breakdown, allowing users to discern feedback from both satisfied and dissatisfied customers, thus facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

User Testimonials Social Proof Examples

Trustify Reviews

Here’s a detailed instance of user social proof from Trustify Review App, specialized in importing customer reviews onto your website. The website showcases customer testimonials, providing visitors with the complete narrative behind the product they’re interested in, leaving no doubt about its real-world impact on customers and organizations. This transparent demonstration of user proof is highly compelling for visitors and prospective customers.

User Testimonials Social Proof Examples

Innovative Ink

Elna Cain, a writer at Innovative Ink, uses customer testimonials not just for business promotion and building customer trust, but also to demonstrate the strong bonds she shares with her clients, emphasizing her commitment to their needs and satisfaction.

uses customer testimonials

>>> Learn More: 10 Best Product Review Examples that Will Blow Your Mind

#2 Celebrity Social Proof Examples

Celebrity endorsements and influencer marketing stand out as highly effective marketing tools in the current landscape. According to Shopify, a significant 61% of consumers place their trust in recommendations made by influencers and celebrities.


Popchips, a healthier snacking option, might find better synergy with Perry, who likely resonates more with their primary audience and is generally more captivating and intriguing compared to the previous Mr. Moore.

find better synergy with Perry

Cava Athleisure

Cava Athleisure, an Indian brand focusing on athleisure clothing, highlights endorsements from both celebrities and experts on its social media feed.

endorsements from both celebrities and experts

Capital One

Jennifer Garner, recognized for her roles in films such as “13 Going On 30” and “Daredevil”, serves as a spokesperson for Capital One’s credit cards. Garner has collaborated with Capital One for numerous years, frequently appearing in their commercials and across their social media channels.


Penelope Cruz shares images on her Instagram featuring Lancome skincare and beauty products. She tags Lancome in her posts, allowing her five million followers to interact with the brand.

Celebrity Social Proof Examples

#3 Certification Social Proof Examples

These social proof advertising examples are when you receive validation from a respected figure within your industry. Examples include the verified blue checkmarks on platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

David Attenborough

David Attenborough’s Instagram account showcases various forms of social interaction: celebrity (people admire him and aspire to emulate him) and expert (people have confidence in his knowledge). Despite his account being labeled as inactive, his 6.2 million followers validate his popularity, and the blue verification tick next to his name confirms it as an official account.

Certification Social Proof Examples

Disruptive Advertising

Disruptive Advertising showcases the popularity of its service by featuring well-known partners like Google, HubSpot, Bing and Meta, which are recognizable to the average user. 

These awards, such as those for the top PPC company and top 1000 Clutch global companies, convey to visitors that the agency’s outstanding performance has resulted in it being honored with awards.

showcases the popularity of its service

Third Marble

This demonstration of social proof creatively highlights Third Marble’s worth, while also associating the institution with esteemed brands. These aren’t merely companies Third Marble has partnered with or been endorsed by; they’re ones where alumni are now employed.

This demonstration of social proof creatively highlights Third Marble’s worth


This landing page from Zoom is where they show their certification social proof and user testimonials.

show their certification social proof and user testimonials

#4 Expert Social Proof Examples

Expert social proof refers to the endorsement or association of an industry authority with your products, services, or brand. Examples include receiving a Twitter shoutout from a respected figure in your field or hosting a reputable guest on your Twitter chat.

It’s primarily used by technical services and consumable products aiming to assure customers of their safety or thorough vetting. This includes industries such as SaaS, beauty and personal care items, sleep solutions, health supplements, and similar products.

Data Reportal

Data Reportal leverages statistics to provide expert social proof. By presenting comprehensive and accurate data analyses, DataReportal positions itself as a trusted source of information in the social media landscape.

Expert Social Proof Examples


The education SaaS company 2U uses expert social proof to add credibility to its homepage. Showcasing press coverage on your website not only establishes authority but also informs visitors that notable publications are discussing your company in the media. (For further insights into the impact of press coverage, explore this helpful PR guide.)

uses expert social proof to add credibility to its homepage


Wordstream demonstrates their expertise by featuring blogs and guides authored by industry professionals.

demonstrates their expertise by featuring blogs


Dr. Huberman has collaborated with Momentus supplements, and their website features a dedicated section showcasing the “Huberman Kit” of products recommended by him:

Dr. Huberman has collaborated with Momentus supplements

#5 Client Logo Social Proof Examples

Employing logos of well-known clients as a form of social proof is another effective strategy for establishing trust and credibility. When a service provider prominently showcases logos of respected clients, it indicates that these reputable brands have endorsed and relied on the provider’s services.

Black Propeller

The names displayed in the image represent some of the most renowned brands in history, serving as a testament to their social influence. Black Propeller similarly features a showcase of notable clients on its homepage, providing compelling evidence of its customer base and credibility.

Client Logo Social Proof Examples


On its website homepage, Salesforce showcases the brands it collaborates with, which not only impacts their growth but also enhances its social proof.

showcases the brands it collaborates with


Here’s an example from Zendesk’s website, where prominent names such as Liberty, Uber, Shopify, and others are featured as users of their platform.

prominent names are featured as users of their platform


Slack employs a similar approach on their website as well.

employs a similar approach on their website

#6 Case Study Social Proof Examples

Case studies typically consist of formal documents focusing on a particular client, detailing the situation, objectives, and outcomes comprehensively from beginning to end. This type of social proof is commonly used by SaaS companies, agencies, and service providers rather than eCommerce businesses.

Measure Minds

Here’s a notable case study example from Measure Minds. They lead with compelling statistics and an engaging narrative:

Case Study Social Proof Examples


SEOworks uses social proof by displaying client testimonials and successful projects in their website’s case studies section. Each case study delves into the specifics – outlining the client’s issue, their process of identifying the root problem, the solution proposed, implementation details, and the outcomes achieved. Providing detailed descriptions of these case studies authentically demonstrates their capabilities.

displaying client testimonials and successful projects in their website's case studies section

Klient Boost

Here, visitors can view a case study featuring Klient Boost. The owner not only provided a commendable testimonial, but the case study also includes supporting numbers. This resource can become one of the most potent tools in your arsenal if you invest time and effort into crafting your case studies.

visitors can view a case study

#7 The Wisdom of the Crowd Social Proof Examples

“Wisdom of the Crowds” social proof appeals to our Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), as the popularity of a product or service among many people motivates others to follow suit.

Business Insider

Business Insider effectively uses the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ social proof technique by recommending articles to its readers that are popular among the general public.

This approach suggests that these articles have garnered widespread attention and readership, thus making them socially endorsed. It also implies that by reading these articles, one can align themselves with the preferences of the majority.

wisdom of the crowd social proof technique


Disney+ is another company that emphasizes the importance of popularity. It presents categories like “Trending Now” or “Most Watched”, suggesting that many viewers have already watched these movies or shows, implying that you should too.

emphasizes the importance of popularity


Rather than relying on individual names and testimonials, this page harnesses the power of collective endorsement to convince visitors to take advantage of the offer.

relying on individual names and testimonials

BEST Software

Check out how many global users BEST Software has:

how many global users

#8 The Wisdom of Your Friends Social Proof Examples

“Wisdom of Your Friends” social proof examples in marketing refer to the concept I mentioned earlier: Recommendations from trusted acquaintances hold more sway than other forms of promotion or advertising.


According to a survey, 93% of individuals indicate a higher likelihood of purchasing products recommended by friends or family members compared to other forms of advertising. Thus, brands can capitalize on this by understanding the preferences of consumers’ social circles, making it a crucial selling point.

purchasing products recommended by friends or family members

Stitch Fix

Stitch Fix employs social proof to attract new customers to its personal shopping service by providing a substantial $25 referral bonus for referring friends to the platform. This strategy not only incentivizes me, as an existing customer, to remain engaged but also encourages me to recruit my friend, potentially expanding the customer base.

The Wisdom of Your Friends Social Proof Examples

Which Type of Social Proof is The Most Effective?

There’s no single “most effective” type of social proof, as its impact depends on factors like your target audience, marketing goals, and the specific product or service. However, here’s a breakdown of 3 most common types and their strengths:

Highly Trusted Sources

  • Expert Endorsements: Recommendations from industry experts or influencers hold significant weight for audiences who trust their knowledge and expertise.
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Celebrities with large followings can generate buzz and excitement, particularly when the endorsement aligns with their audience’s interests.

Social Validation & Credibility

  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Firsthand accounts from satisfied customers provide relatable experiences and build trust, especially for first-time buyers.
  • Awards and Recognition: External validation from reputable organizations adds credibility and establishes your brand as an industry leader.
  • Social Media Engagement: High levels of likes, shares, and comments suggest popularity and social validation, influencing potential customers.

Real-World Application & Trustworthiness

  • User-Generated Content: Photos, videos, and reviews created by actual users showcase real-world usage and generate excitement. UGC feels authentic and relatable.
  • Case Studies: Detailed success stories demonstrate tangible results and ROI, providing a clear picture of how your product or service benefits others.

Tips to choose the right types of Social Proof from Trustify Reviews:

  • Target Audience: Consider who you’re trying to reach. Are they swayed by expert opinions, celebrity endorsements, or relatable customer experiences?
  • Marketing Goals: Are you aiming to build brand awareness, generate trust, or highlight specific product features? Choose social proof that aligns with your goals.
  • Product or Service: For complex B2B solutions, case studies with quantifiable results might be best. For consumer products, user-generated content or celebrity endorsements could be more impactful.

Wrap up

These real-world examples of social proof vividly illustrate the profound influence in marketing. Whether through user testimonials, celebrity endorsements, or influencer collaborations, businesses can make the most out of the social validation power to build credibility and trust with their audience.